Tuesday 7 December 2010

Day 100: The First Hundred Days

Incidentally also the title of a course in the Entrepreneurship programme here that focuses on the simulation of the first 100 days of a company that you acquire.

Can't believe that it's been 100 days of INSEAD already! What an amazing journey so far.

Cabaret was tonight which was GREAT fun. If you missed out on it, you really missed out on an entertaining evening. I believe it's events like this that we will remember years from now rather than any night studying in the library. Just think about undergrad. I definitely can't remember the details of what I studied then even though I probably memorised loads of stuff at the time. It's the laughter, the good times shared with friends that I still remember to this day. It's a great way to celebrate the Senior class and a chance for them to have one last big bash before they head off for their grad trip and then graduation.

Have no idea what Cabaret is? Just type in "INSEAD Cabaret" into Youtube and you'll quickly understand why it's such a memorable evening. I'm sure videos of tonight's performance will eventually surface online (although some people might wish it would not!) Heh. Some truly truly legendary moments...

Also, given that I was a Strategy Consultant in a former life, Dilbert comic strips about Strategy always have a very special place in my heart:

Postscript: Here's a link to one REALLY cool video from Cabaret (FONTY)

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